Thursday, May 14, 2009

Long Time

Sorry it's been forever since I last posted. It's been horribly rainy and snowy around here so I haven't been getting out much. Plus, I'm trying to finish up some data so I can write my last chapter for my thesis. This data is being quite elusive right now, so it's taking a lot longer than I wanted.
Anyway, I got a job at Jack Dennis Outdoors in Jackson, WY. I'm now living in my favorite place to alpine climb. I'm ridiculously excited and can't wait for the summer climbing to begin. It's still snowy in the Tetons for the next month or so, but climbing will commence soon enough.
I went climbing a few days ago and my partner had his camera, so hopefully I can get those from him and post those soon. Other than that one time outside here, it's mostly been gym climbing. Kind of disappointing, but there's some fun routes up now.
I'll get some pics up soon of Jackson so everyone can get a taste of the Tetons and the surrounding area. Good Stuff.
Hope life is well.

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