Saturday, March 29, 2008

Long Time

It has been quite a while since I last posted anything because 1) I'm lazy and 2) I haven't had time to get on any good trips. But, I will fill everyone in on what I've been up to.
First and foremost I've been spending tons of time at my lovely office. To answer questions right away: yes I do have an office and yes there's a sweet chalkboard on one whole side of the office. Life is pretty good when you've got your own 10 foot chalkboard.
Besides taking tests and studying I had the joy of going to Aaron Helmers' wedding in Seattle, Washington. It was on the 22nd of March and I spent Thursday through Sunday there. I thought I might be lonely because I was one of three people invited from high school, but after I saw Aaron's family at the hotel, in classic wedding form, drinking did commence. I don't think anyone got too drunk, but we felt good, had good conversation and enjoyed the short vacation. I'm going to try to give you all a sense of what the wedding was like but truthfully it was too good to describe. And just to tell you up front: I forgot my camera. I know, i'm a regular genius sometimes.
So his wedding was outside of Seattle proper and in a suburb northeast of Seattle. It was on a private golf course on top of a hill... but this small hill gave us a sight of downtown Seattle and a great view of the Olympic Mountains in Olympic National Park to the west. It was amazing. The best part was that I could see this from where I was standing as one of the Groomsman. After the wedding a few people asked me what I was looking at. Of course I told them the truth, because really that's what everyone would expect from me. (don't worry Aaron I still had my eye on you most of the time) After the wedding there was the dinner at which point I ate one of the best meals of my life! The food was ridiculously good. But I didn't want to fill up on food because you know.... there was free booze. Anyway, the whole trip ended up being amazing to see Aaron, his family, and a few long lost friends (Loy and Leah).
My next adventure wasn't an adventure at all. I don't have any pics because I was by myself.... sorry. But I can tell you it was one of the best ski days possible. It is now April and we should be in spring skiing time right? No. I went out last weekend and was greeted by knee deep snow with some waist deep in areas. I was one of the first chairs up at Big Sky and was rewarded exponentially. I hadn't even crossed someone's tracks until about 11:00 am. It was absolutely amazing! Truthfully I wasn't expecting anything like it. I had kind of come to terms that the ski season was over and I was ready to move on to climbing, biking, and other summer activities. But mother nature was not having it. Apparently other people were done with the ski season too because I was one of the very few people on the hill that day. A Saturday nonetheless. Just ridiculous. Even at the end of the day I was still getting fresh tracks through the trees. Good stuff.
Well, I think that about catches you up. I've got some pictures I've been meaning to put up, so check back in a week or two and I should have those ready to go. I go out every once in a while and get some shots of the area with my sweet Canon 40D. It's amazing in case you were wondering. One thing I miss though is the darkroom. I loved developing photos and being hands on with my pictures. Now, I sit in front of my computer and adjust some things and then convert it from RAW to JPEG. It's really not fun. Maybe I'll get used to it as I use it more, but that day isn't coming soon. So as soon as I get efficient at it, I'll be posting more. Especially once the summer rolls around. I've got an amazing trip lined up for Utah... all of Utah. Anyone who cares to join just let me know....


Jenn Boerger said...

And Glacier. Don't forget about Glacier. But, none of your friends can come on that trip, because it is already totally full, with your wonderful sister and her family! YEAH! Family Time! I love it!

Opi said...

I know... I can't wait for Glacier! Speaking of: have you got it planned yet?....