Saturday, September 25, 2010

91 miles

Got in a nice long ride today. I wanted to shoot for at least 70 and maybe up to 80... added on a few more because the last little bit was slightly longer than I thought. It was a great ride though.
I started heading north of Wenatchee but took 97A instead of 97. 97A leads straight up towards Lake Chelan (which is amazing by the way) and starts with fairly flat roads that lead to a big climb up and over a pass. This part was not fun. Not fun at all.
After the nice flat ride it starts heading up and over the pass. This picture below is the nice little tunnel you go through before you hit a short valley that leads to Lake Chelan.
The fun part about going through the tunnel is their safety measures. It is nice and short, but come on... a button to turn on flashing lights that tells the motorists that there's a cyclist going through the tunnel... is there nothing better? For instance... make the tunnel wider initially rather than overlooking the details. Anyways, pretty funny. The button is right before the tunnel and it reminds me of a cross walk... except you go through a tunnel.
After I made it up to the Lake Chelan area I stopped at a coffee shop and downed an americano and muffin. I'm a sucker for that combo for some reason. Love having muffins with an americano. It was such a nice day I couldn't pass up the opportunity to hang out by the lake and watch the boats. Seems pretty exciting doesn't it?
After I managed to sit by the lake for an hour I hopped back on the bike with some slightly sore legs already and start pedaling up and over the pass again to town. All said and done, the ride ended up being 91 miles. I was pooped! I really need to plan out my nutrition better on these long rides. All I took along was a bottle of Hammer Perpetuem and a gel. Other than that it was water, coffee and a muffin. I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow....
Oh, and the best part of this is I get to sit in a car for a few hours to head over to Olympia for a couple meetings. Sitting in a car with sore legs is not fun. Anyone care to drive me?

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