Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hard Week

Last week was rough. I had a long Sunday brick and felt tired Monday. So what do I do? I take Monday off like a wuss should do. Actually I'm trying to be a little more in tune with my body so I don't over-train. Tuesday was a good run and Wednesday was masters swim. I got absolutely worked swimming! My shoulder is still coming around in that department. I can easily do 60 pull-ups in a workout but I can barely swim a mile without my shoulder starting to hurt. Thursday was a day off. Swimming worked me that hard. Plus I wanted to do a good hard workout on my birthday. Friday ended up being a negative split miles for 4.5 miles, then sprints for another mile. Finally the weekend came and I did a bike workout with a friend. I did a 2 hour tempo ride with two short sprints in the middle. I felt worked at the end! I may need to change up my training schedule because I feel like I should have made more headway by now. Sunday was absolutely rough! I was way too tired to do anything. I sat on my couch most of the day and watched TV. Super Productive.
Other than the workouts being rough work was also a bit trying. I had a lot of projects put on my lap last week and had to do a bit of traveling and get a presentation together. Definitely a long week. My workouts tend to suffer a bit whenever I get really stressed out at work. After this next week things slow down a bit for me... for a week I hope.

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